Lipolysis Side Effects
 Risks & Side Effects of Lipolysis 

The medication used in Lipolysis injections is a natural chemical. The chemical in there acts in the body to treat and protect the liver. It also has been used by doctors for many years to prevent fat embolism in the blood. Lipolysis is a new kind of treatment and during its short use in the treatment of patients, there have been no serious side effects recorded with its use.

The treatment has minor side effects and these are, redness, itching, swelling , muscular aching, local pain, minor burning sensation for a few hours, soreness, and temporary bruising are some of the side effects that may result from having the Lipolysis treatment.  These effects might be experienced for 1-2 days and swelling of treated area for 48 hours. After a couple of days the discomfort a patient feels will disappear.

The use of this product has not resulted in any clinical case that showed dangerous reactions to the Lipolysis treatment. There have been some mild effects such as severe infections and necrosis. This develops because of unskilled or illegal non-clinical use, often from unauthentic or expired supplies that do not correspond to the positive results from Phosphatidylcholine use in a clinical setting.

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